Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in San Pedro, CA 90731
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for San Pedro CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alcohol Problems Getting You Dow | 310-831-2358 | 505 S Pacific Ave | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Angel's Gate High School | 310-832-6911 | 3200 S Alma St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Bandini Street Elementary Scho | 310-832-4593 | 425 N Bandini St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Barton Hill Elementary School | 310-547-2471 | 423 N Pacific Ave | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Cabrillo Avenue Elementary Scho | 310-832-6446 | 732 S Cabrillo Ave | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Cooper High School | 310-832-0376 | 2210 N Taper Ave | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Crestwood Street Elementary Scho | 310-832-8130 | 1946 Crestwood | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Dana Junior High School | 310-833-5235 | 1501 S Cabrillo Ave | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Dodson Junior High School | 310-832-5342 | 28014 Montereina Dr | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Fifteenth Street Elementary Scho | 310-547-3323 | 1527 S Mesa St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Jr Rotc Program at San Pedro High Scho | 310-221-0691 | 1001 W 15th St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Leland Street Elementary Scho | 310-832-0505 | 2120 S Leland St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Mary Star of the Sea | 310-831-0875 | 717 S Cabrillo Ave | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Mary Star of the Sea | 310-547-1138 | 810 W 8th St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Point Fermin Elementary School | 310-832-2649 | 3333 S Kerckhoff Ave | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Pta Health & Guidance Centers | 310-833-3594 | 704 W 8th St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
San Pedro Narbonne Community Adult | 310-547-4425 | 950 W Santa Cruz St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
San Pedro Science Center | 310-832-7573 | 2201 Barrywood Ave | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
San Pedro Skills Center | 310-831-0295 | 920 W 36th St | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
Taper Avenue Elementary School | 310-832-3056 | 1824 N Taper Ave | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
White Point Elementary School | 310-833-5232 | 1410 Silvius Ave | San Pedro | CA | 90731 |
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