Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Santa Clarita, CA 91350
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Santa Clarita CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Acton Agua Dulce Unified School | 661-268-1660 | 11311 W Frascati | Santa Clarita | CA | 91350 |
Bouquet Canyon Elementary Scho | 661-297-8865 | 28110 Wellston Dr | Santa Clarita | CA | 91350 |
California Teachers Associations | 661-255-0311 | 26111 Bouquet Canyon Rd | Santa Clarita | CA | 91350 |
Canyon Vista Children's Preschool & Lea | 661-296-0175 | 27757 Bouquet Canyon Rd | Santa Clarita | CA | 91350 |
Emblem Elementary School | 661-297-8870 | 22635 Espuella Dr | Santa Clarita | CA | 91350 |
Foster James Elementary School | 661-297-8840 | 22500 Pamplico Dr | Santa Clarita | CA | 91350 |
Hart School District Transportation | 661-255-6184 | 21429 Centre Pointe Pkwy | Santa Clarita | CA | 91350 |
Highlands Elementary School | 661-297-8875 | 27332 Catala Ave | Santa Clarita | CA | 91350 |
Plum Canyon Elementary School | 661-297-8621 | 28360 Alfreds Way | Santa Clarita | CA | 91350 |
Rosedell Elementary School | 661-297-8860 | 27853 Urbandale Ave | Santa Clarita | CA | 91350 |
Santa Clarita Elementary Scho | 661-297-8845 | 27177 Seco Canyon Rd | Santa Clarita | CA | 91350 |
William S Hart Union High School Dis | 661-253-4400 | 21508 Centre Pointe Pkwy | Santa Clarita | CA | 91350 |
William S Hart Union High School Dis | 661-259-0033 | 21515 Centre Pointe Pkwy | Santa Clarita | CA | 91350 |
William S Hart Union High School Dis | 661-297-3900 | 21900 Centurion Way | Santa Clarita | CA | 91350 |
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