Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in West Covina, CA 91790
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for West Covina CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baldwin Park Adult School Parent E | 626-939-4429 | 2000 W Badillo St | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
California Elementary School | 626-939-4800 | 1125 W Bainbridge Ave | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
Cameron Elementary School | 626-931-1740 | 1225 E Cameron Ave | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
Catholic Churches | 626-960-3079 | 900 W Christopher St | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
Coronado Continuation | 626-931-1810 | 614 E Vine Ave | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
Covina Valley Unified School District | 626-974-4701 | 1355 E Rowland Ave | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
Edgewood Middle School | 626-939-4900 | 1625 W Durness St | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
Intercoast Colleges | 626-337-6800 | 1400 W West Covina Pkwy | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
Itt Technical Institute | 626-960-8681 | 1530 W Cameron Ave | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
Merlinda Elementary School | 626-931-1720 | 1120 S Valinda Ave | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
Monte Vista School | 626-939-4830 | 1615 W Eldred Ave | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
Orangewood School | 626-939-4820 | 1440 S Orange Ave | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
Premier Academy West Covina | 626-962-6611 | 670 S Sunset Ave | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
Regional Occupational Center & Progra | 626-962-5080 | 1501 Del Norte St | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
San Jose Edison Academy | 626-856-1693 | 2021 W Alwood St | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
St Paul Excelsior Academy | 626-918-1239 | 1420 S Glendora Ave | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
Wescove Elementary School | 626-939-4870 | 1010 W Vine Ave | West Covina | CA | 91790 |
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