Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Culver City, CA 90232
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Culver City CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Backstage Bar & Grill | 310-839-3892 | 10400 Culver Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Baha Fresh | 310-280-0644 | 10768 Venice Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Bahay Natin Cuisine | 310-841-6559 | 10032 Venice Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Bellapasta | 310-836-0400 | 9543 Culver Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Blue Corn Cafe | 310-841-0939 | 8572 National Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
California Star | 323-931-5446 | 2926 La Cienega Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Campos Famous Burritos | 310-559-9060 | 8665 Washington Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Campos Mexican Food | 310-836-2680 | 10352 Venice Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Campos Tacos | 310-204-3222 | 9609 Venice Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Daphne's Greek Cafe | 310-280-1650 | 9516 Culver Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
East Wind IV | 310-558-8653 | 10200 Venice Blvd Ste 207 | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
El Pueblo Viejo | 310-842-9733 | 10309 Washington Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Emerald Restaurant | 310-836-6860 | 9315 Venice Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Fagel's | 310-837-6838 | 3055 La Cienega Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Fassica Restaurant | 310-815-8463 | 10401 Washington Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Hermitage Bistro | 310-815-8222 | 9727 Culver Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Honey's Kettle Fried Chicken | 310-202-5453 | 9537 Culver Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Jj's Cafe | 310-837-3248 | 3599 Hayden Ave | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
La Ballona Restaurant | 310-558-9336 | 3843 Main St | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
La Dijonaise Cafe Inc | 310-287-2770 | 8703 Washington Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Miyako Restaurant | 310-202-7770 | 10020 Venice Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Mrs Garcia's | 310-287-0850 | 9905 Washington Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Pacifico's Mariscos Restaurant | 310-559-3474 | 9341 Culver Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Phil's Place | 310-837-3836 | 9418 Venice Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Renee's Cafe & Market | 310-558-3287 | 10022 Venice Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Sam & Woody's Country Diner | 310-204-5136 | 9748 Washington Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Smitty's Famous Fish & Chicken | 310-815-1029 | 9032 Venice Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Sushi Karen Japanese Restaurant | 310-202-0855 | 10762 Washington Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Taro's Sushi & Teri | 310-837-3733 | 10834 Washington Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Taste of India | 310-836-8525 | 10408 Venice Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Tokyo 7-7 Coffee Shop | 310-204-5728 | 3839 Main St Ste B | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Tom's Number 5 Chiliburgers | 310-204-0225 | 9004 Venice Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburger Resta | 310-837-7736 | 9036 Venice Blvd | Culver City | CA | 90232 |
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