Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Long Beach, CA 90808
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Long Beach CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Al-Arz Restaurant | 562-425-0414 | 4501 E Carson St | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Benley | 562-596-8130 | 8191 E Wardlow Rd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Busy Bee Simply Bowls | 562-627-1009 | 7545 Carson Blvd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Carls Jr Restaurant No 209 | 562-627-0979 | 7201 Carson Blvd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Charo's Peruvian Cuisine | 562-627-0087 | 7563 Carson Blvd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Chocolate Box | 562-425-2855 | 4123 Norse Way | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Creative Host Services | 562-496-4602 | 4100 E Donald Douglas Dr | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Dale's Diner | 562-425-7285 | 4339 E Carson St | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Daphne's Greek Cafe | 562-627-3966 | 7535 Carson Blvd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Del Taco | 562-377-6332 | 7211 Carson Blvd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
El Cilantro Restaurant | 562-938-7551 | 5913 E Spring St | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
El Torito Mexican Restaurant & Ca | 562-377-5750 | 7591 Carson Blvd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Great Steak & Potato | 562-627-1020 | 7539 Carson Blvd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Huff's Coffee Shop | 562-598-3373 | 8105 E Wardlow Rd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Jack in the Box Family Restaurants | 562-496-4565 | 4170 N Lakewood Blvd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Jack in the Box Family Restaurants | 562-496-0741 | 3032 Palo Verde Ave | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Lucille's Smokehouse Bar B Que | 562-938-7427 | 7411 Carson Blvd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Mc Donalds Rest-Corp | 562-425-6021 | 7250 E Carson St | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 562-420-3854 | 6407 E Spring St | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
New Han Dynasty Restaurant | 562-429-8818 | 6415 E Spring St | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
New Miyako | 562-420-1772 | 4501 E Carson St Ste 107 | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Olive & Garlic Restaurants | 562-421-1195 | 4331 E Carson St | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Original Roadhouse Grill | 562-377-5952 | 7391 Carson Blvd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Rubio's Baja Grill | 562-496-1892 | 7547 Carson Blvd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Saigon Express | 562-420-7774 | 4501 E Carson St Ste 110 | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Taco Bell No 18687 | 562-493-5851 | 3398 N Norwalk Blvd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Tgi Friday's | 562-420-0191 | 7221 Carson Blvd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Thai Basils | 562-938-1452 | 5466 E Del Amo Blvd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Tiny Thai Restaurant | 562-421-2207 | 4152 Norse Way | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
Zen Asian Buffet | 562-496-3888 | 7503 Carson Blvd | Long Beach | CA | 90808 |
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