Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Lynwood, CA 90262
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Lynwood CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Acosta Tacos & Burritos | 310-763-7291 | 11700 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Adentro Cojutepeque No 2 | 323-569-4295 | 10136 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Angelo's Burgers | 310-639-2666 | 10990 Atlantic Ave | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Birrieria Jalisco | 310-639-5123 | 3180 E Imperial Hwy | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Bobos Burgers | 310-637-1191 | 3390 E Imperial Hwy | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Carl's Jr Restaurants | 310-631-4833 | 3621 E Imperial Hwy | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Casa Corona Restaurant | 310-763-7245 | 11004 Atlantic Ave | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Chinatown Express No 18 | 310-638-1469 | 11136 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Cook's Burger | 323-249-4899 | 3483 Martin Luther King J | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Custom X | 323-564-7471 | 10349 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Denny's | 310-638-7072 | 11195 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
El Botanitas | 310-898-1188 | 3614 Martin Luther King J | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
El Delphin Restaurant | 310-537-1488 | 11303 Atlantic Ave | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
El Farallon | 310-631-4899 | 10700 Alameda St | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
El Faro Restaurant | 310-638-4299 | 11120 Atlantic Ave | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
El Mixteca No 3 | 310-223-3151 | 3456 Martin Luther King J | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
El Paraiso Restaurant | 310-885-5557 | 11126 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
El Pollo Loco | 310-632-7446 | 11118 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
El Siete Mares Restaurant | 323-566-9200 | 10112 State St | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Golden Chopsticks | 323-566-6101 | 3535 Martin Luther King J | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Hercules Drive-In | 310-635-3641 | 2825 E Imperial Hwy | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Jack in the Box Family Restaurants | 310-631-7413 | 11201 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
King Taco Restaurant | 310-884-9984 | 12102 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
La Favorita Bakery | 310-637-4090 | 11124 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
La Hacienda | 323-564-2721 | 5009 Abbott Rd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
La Palyitta Marissos | 310-603-0511 | 11025 Atlantic Ave | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Las Palmas De Colima | 310-639-1819 | 2901 E Imperial Hwy | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Lucy's Restaurant | 310-603-2630 | 10701 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Malverde | 310-631-9177 | 11215 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Mariscos El Paisa | 323-566-9977 | 10320 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Mariscos El Paisa | 323-249-1254 | 10350 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Mariscos Los Dorados | 310-631-2189 | 3570 Martin Luther King J | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Mariscos Nayarit | 310-762-9148 | 2983 E Imperial Hwy | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 310-631-4311 | 11170 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Panda Express | 310-608-2930 | 10923 Atlantic Ave | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Panda House | 310-631-6888 | 11369 Atlantic Ave | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Primo Burgers Number 5 | 310-537-6404 | 12534 Atlantic Ave | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Rancho Grande Restaurant | 310-638-2855 | 12107 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Red Chamber Restaurant | 310-638-3054 | 12000 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Ricky's Nutritional | 310-608-7776 | 11659 Atlantic Ave | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Rotisserie Chicken Cafe The | 323-249-1774 | 3537 Martin Luther King J | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Subway Sandwiches | 310-632-6808 | 3628 Martin Luther King J | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Taco Bell | 310-635-7321 | 11001 Atlantic Ave | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Taco Bell | 310-635-8654 | 11255 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Tacos & Tapatio | 310-635-4950 | 10911 Atlantic Ave | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Tacos Q | 323-566-5406 | 10530 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Tacos Y Mariscos | 310-638-6212 | 11836 Atlantic Ave | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Tam's Burgers No 9 | 310-637-3433 | 11816 Long Beach Blvd | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Taqueria Los Amigos & Hamburgers | 310-632-7334 | 3162 Martin Luther King J | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Tom's Burgers | 310-631-8633 | 3635 E Imperial Hwy | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
Zacatecas Restaurant | 310-761-1700 | 10828 Atlantic Ave | Lynwood | CA | 90262 |
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