Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Auto Dealers in Madera, CA 93638
* Each listing below of Auto Dealers Information for Madera CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Auto Storage Sales | 559-448-8761 | 10204 Highway 41 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Ave 12 Auto Sales | 559-645-6630 | 37075 Avenue 12 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Better Than New | 559-822-7800 | 14396 Highway 41 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Central Valley Auto Sales | 559-822-2200 | 41453 Avenue 14 1/2 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Family-A-Auto Sales | 559-645-0518 | 12034 Maywood St | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Frontline Cars | 559-673-8388 | 16594 Road 26 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Juarez Auto Wholesale | 559-675-8284 | 16950 Road 26 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Madera Auto Center | 559-674-9000 | 1300 Country Club Dr | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Pacific Marine Center | 559-432-2277 | 10452 Highway 41 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Quality Auto Center | 559-822-6500 | 14748 Highway 41 Ste A | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Robert Martin Auto Sales | 559-822-4556 | 14794 Highway 41 Ste 23 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Thoroughbred Motors | 559-822-3653 | 14680 Highway 41 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Vintage Buick Pontiac Cadillac Gmc Tr | 559-268-5555 | 100 E 6th St | Madera | CA | 93638 |
West & West Enterprises | 559-674-9378 | 609 N E St | Madera | CA | 93638 |
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