Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Government Offices in Madera, CA 93637
* Each listing below of Government Offices Information for Madera CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Kings View Counseling Center of Mader | 559-673-3508 | 209 W Yosemite Ave | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera City of | 559-675-1239 | 23200 Avenue 17 | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera City of | 559-674-5695 | 205 N G St | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera City of | 559-661-5466 | 1030 S Gateway Dr | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera City of | 559-661-2853 | 205 W 4th St | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera City of | 559-661-5495 | 1124 W Yosemite Ave | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera City of | 559-661-1169 | 11777 Woodward Way | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera County of | 559-675-7871 | 121 N G St | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera County of | 559-675-7762 | 424 N Gateway Dr | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera County of | 559-675-7874 | 221 S H St | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera County of | 559-675-7876 | 332 S Madera Ave | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera County of | 559-675-4515 | 450 S Madera Ave Ste H | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera County of | 559-675-7823 | 216 W 6th St | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera County of | 559-675-7811 | 201 W Almond Ave | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera County of | 559-661-6333 | 2037 W Cleveland Ave | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera County of | 559-675-7619 | 331 W Olive Ave | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera County of | 559-675-7703 | 333 W Olive Ave | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Madera County of | 559-675-7817 | 135 W Yosemite Ave | Madera | CA | 93637 |
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