Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Madera, CA 93637
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Madera CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Star Real Estate | 559-675-8500 | 821 W Yosemite Ave | Madera | CA | 93637 |
America's Best Real Estate | 559-661-9191 | 420 W Yosemite Ave | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Century 21 M & M & Associates | 559-664-1746 | 2000 N Schnoor St | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Coldwell Banker H & L Real Estate | 559-673-9178 | 322 W Yosemite Ave | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Dellavalle Real Estate | 559-674-1122 | 4020 Aviation Dr | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Don Floyd & Associates Realty | 559-674-0067 | 128 N Gateway Dr | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Gateway Realty | 559-674-5099 | 418 Willis Ave | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Guarantee Financial Real Estate | 559-645-8000 | 425 N Gateway Dr | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Independence Realty | 559-674-8060 | 812 S Gateway Dr | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Landmark Realty | 559-662-2002 | 221 N I St | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Nora & Associates Realty | 559-673-6672 | 1915 Howard Rd | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Unique Properties | 559-662-1102 | 1816 Howard Rd Ste 1 | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Vip Realty | 559-673-1847 | 3116 Glade Ave | Madera | CA | 93637 |
Vista Del Sol Apartments | 559-674-0289 | 2300 Riverview Dr | Madera | CA | 93637 |
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