Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Madera, CA 93638
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Madera CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aldo & Associates Realty | 559-674-3374 | 16930 Road 26 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Alice and Associates Real Estatnd Pr | 559-645-7653 | 36141 Avenue 12 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Best Real Estate Group | 559-674-2378 | 16114 Road 26 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Caceres & Caceres Real Estate Investme | 559-673-7200 | 26045 Avenue 17 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Campbell Edward E Realtr SR | 559-674-4646 | 16943 Road 26 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Continental Realty | 559-431-7060 | 36815 Avenue 12 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Jerry Eddings Realtors | 559-435-1890 | 37144 Avenue 12 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Johnson Appraisal Service | 559-674-3120 | 17035 Road 26 Ste B | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Miracle Realty | 559-674-0091 | 17073 Road 26 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Pro-Mr Z Realty | 559-673-2201 | 25375 Avenue 17 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Real Estate Network | 559-645-6110 | 36946 Avenue 12 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Realty World | 559-661-7653 | 16905 Road 26 Ste 102 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Twyla Company Realty | 559-661-0211 | 25954 Tanforan Dr | Madera | CA | 93638 |
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