Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Madera, CA 93638
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Madera CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berenda School | 559-674-3325 | 26820 Club Dr | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Crossroads Christian School | 559-662-1624 | 17755 Road 26 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Desmond Middle School | 559-664-1775 | 26490 Martin St | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Golden Valley Unified School District | 559-645-7500 | 37479 Avenue 12 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Liberty High School | 559-645-3500 | 12220 Road 36 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Madera Christian School | 559-673-8081 | 17326 Road 26 | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Martin Luther King Middle School | 559-674-4681 | 601 Lilly St | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Millview School | 559-233-0704 | 1609 Clinton St | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Monroe James Elementary School | 559-674-5679 | 1819 N Lake St | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Nishimoto Middle School | 559-664-8110 | 26460 Martin St | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Sherman Thomas Charter School | 559-674-1192 | 101 W Adell St | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Sierra View Elementary School | 559-645-1122 | 16436 Paula Rd | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Sierra Vista Elementary School | 559-674-8579 | 917 E Olive Ave | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Washington Elementary School | 559-674-6705 | 509 E South St | Madera | CA | 93638 |
Webster Elementary School | 559-486-1534 | 36477 Ruth Ave | Madera | CA | 93638 |
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