Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Los Banos, CA 93635
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Los Banos CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Baptist Church | 209-826-3682 | 302 W K St | Los Banos | CA | 93635 |
Church of Christ | 209-826-5291 | 645 W L St | Los Banos | CA | 93635 |
Day Spring Christian Church | 209-827-9766 | 1005 I St | Los Banos | CA | 93635 |
Family Worship Center Conferenc Activ | 209-826-9443 | 19985 Mervel Ave | Los Banos | CA | 93635 |
First Baptist Church | 209-826-3780 | 809 D St | Los Banos | CA | 93635 |
Jerusalem Assemblies of God | 209-827-4804 | 730 G St | Los Banos | CA | 93635 |
Latin American Council of Christain Ch | 209-826-5656 | 1000 E B St | Los Banos | CA | 93635 |
New Canaan Baptist Church | 209-826-5912 | 424 N Mercey Springs Rd | Los Banos | CA | 93635 |
St John's Evangelical Lutheran Church | 209-826-2474 | 250 W Adams Ave | Los Banos | CA | 93635 |
United Methodist Church of Los Banos | 209-826-4181 | 1031 Iowa Ave | Los Banos | CA | 93635 |
Victory Outreach Los Banos | 209-827-2750 | 1231 4th St | Los Banos | CA | 93635 |
Westside Community Church | 209-826-5314 | 614 Mercey Springs Rd | Los Banos | CA | 93635 |
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