Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Seaside, CA 93955
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Seaside CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Baptist Church | 831-899-3313 | 390 Elm Ave | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Breaking Bread Ministry | 831-392-1338 | 1760 Fremont Blvd Ste Au3 | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Calvary Chapel Carmel Valley | 831-899-5800 | 1893 Judson St | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Campus Crusade for Christ | 831-394-3160 | 1153 Buena St | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Casa De La Palmas | 831-392-1762 | 535 Palm Ave | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Catholic Charities Diocese of Mont | 831-393-3110 | 922 Hilby Ave | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Church of Christ | 831-394-0380 | 1310 Broadway Ave | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 831-394-0294 | 1024 Noche Buena St | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Faith Lutheran Church of Seaside Lcms | 831-394-1312 | 1460 Hilby Ave | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 831-394-1159 | 1440 Broadway Ave | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Hays Christian Methodist Espis | 831-899-2712 | 625 Elm Ave | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Hilltop United Methodist Churc | 831-394-2661 | 1340 Hilby Ave | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Korean Baptist Church | 831-899-2500 | 601 Sonoma Ave | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Lighthouse Baptist Church | 831-394-4447 | 1030 Hilby Ave | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Lighthouse Full Gospel Church | 831-394-4333 | 1153 Hamilton Ave | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 831-393-9254 | 1304 Sonoma Ave | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Ocean View Baptist Church | 831-394-3279 | 1200 Amador Ave | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Seaside First Baptist Church | 831-394-1771 | 1949 Waring St | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
Victory Outreach | 831-394-5134 | 827 Kimball Ave | Seaside | CA | 93955 |
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