Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Salinas, CA 93906
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Salinas CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A North Salinas Pediatric Pract | 831-444-6263 | 640 E Alvin Dr | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
Abdoo David Dpm Salinas Foot & Ankle | 831-443-6050 | 2025 N Main St | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
Adame Mark J MD | 831-757-8081 | 1328 Natividad Rd | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
Al-Marashi Murtadha MD | 831-755-4111 | 1441 Constitution Blvd | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
Anderson Paul MD | 831-769-8640 | 631 E Alvin Dr Ste H | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
Barcelo Lawrence MD | 831-754-4444 | 1336 Natividad Rd | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
Bunch Edward MD | 831-755-6337 | 631 E Alvin Dr | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
Cabrera Rolando MD | 831-424-5550 | 1326 Natividad Rd | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
Combs C Andrew MD | 831-769-8660 | 1441 Constitution Blvd Ste 200 | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
Doctors on Duty Medical Clinics | 831-757-1110 | 1137 N Main St | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
Guiroy Bernadette MD | 831-769-8620 | 631 E Alvin Dr Ste J2 | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
Harden Medical Care Center | 831-759-1900 | 1756 N Main St | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
Madrid Elsie M MD | 831-754-1544 | 1332 Natividad Rd Ste C | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
Medical Weight Management | 831-422-1997 | 1187 N Main St Ste 101 | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
Radner Allen MD | 831-759-7272 | 1332 Natividad Rd Ste A | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
Rosen Norman MD | 831-754-2844 | 1332 Natividad Rd | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
The Ridge Rehabillitation | 831-449-1515 | 350 Iris Dr | Salinas | CA | 93906 |
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