Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Carmel, CA 93923
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Carmel CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
4th Ave Pasta House | 831-622-7774 | 4th & San Carlos | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
A W Shucks | 831-624-6605 | Ocean Avenue & San C | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Akaoni | 831-620-1516 | Mission & 6th Ave | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Arawan Thai Cafe | 831-625-4331 | Ocean Ave | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Bahama Billy's Island Steakhouse | 831-626-0430 | 3690 The Barnyard | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Baja Cantina & Grill | 831-625-2252 | 7166 Carmel Valley Rd | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Barnyard The | 831-625-2448 | 3626 The Barnyard | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Barnyard The | 831-624-2643 | 3658 The Barnyard | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Barnyard The | 831-626-3779 | 3670 The Barnyard | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Bixby Martini Bistro | 831-626-1814 | 3600 The Barnyard | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Black Bear Diner | 831-624-9640 | 12 Carmel Center Pl | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
California Market Restaurant | 831-622-5450 | At the Highland Inn | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Carmel Accommodations & Restaurants | 831-624-0199 | 6th Avenue & Mission | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Carmel Accommodations & Restaurants | 831-624-3588 | Village Corner 6th A | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Casanova Restaurant and Reservations | 831-625-0501 | 5th Avenue & Mission | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Chianti Ristorante | 831-626-9119 | 217 The Crossroads | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Covey Restaurant at Quail Lodge The | 831-620-8860 | 8205 Valley Greens Dr | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Crossroads Shopping Village The | 831-625-5436 | 101 The Crossroads | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Crossroads Shopping Village The | 831-626-8054 | 201 The Crossroads | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Crossroads Shopping Village The | 831-625-3030 | 211 The Crossroads | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Crossroads Shopping Village The | 831-625-3733 | 241 The Crossroads | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Edgars | 831-620-8910 | 8000 Valley Greens Dr | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Ferrante's Village Pub & Historar and | 831-626-6821 | 77 San Carlos | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Flaherty's Oyster Bar & Seafood Grill | 831-624-0311 | 6th Avenue & San Car | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Grasings Coastal Cuisine | 831-624-6562 | 57 Mission & 6th Ave | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Hanagasa | 831-625-4470 | 8th Avenue & Mission | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Jeffrey's Grill & Catering | 831-624-2029 | 112 Mid Valley Ctr | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Meadow Harvest Inc | 831-622-0669 | 5315 Carmel Valley Rd Ofc | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Mission Ranch Restaurant | 831-625-9040 | 26270 Dolores St | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Oaks The | 831-626-2533 | Carmel Valley Rnch | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Piatti Ristorante | 831-625-1766 | 6th Avenue & Junpro | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Sherlock Holmes Pub & Restaurant | 831-625-0340 | 3772 The Barnyard | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Sushi Heaven | 831-625-2067 | Dolres | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
Wasabi Bistro | 831-620-1668 | 230 The Crossroads | Carmel | CA | 93923 |
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