Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Pacific Grove, CA 93950
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Pacific Grove CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
17th St Grille | 831-373-5474 | 617 Lighthouse Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Alberto's Ristorante | 831-373-3993 | 1219 Forest Ave Ste B | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Archie's American Diner | 831-375-6939 | 125 Ocean View Blvd | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Bertolucci's Restaurant | 831-373-8116 | 208 17th St | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Breakers Cafe | 831-375-8484 | 1126 Forest Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Country Club Gate Center Shopping | 831-375-7164 | 100 Country Club Gate Ct | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Country Club Gate Center Shopping | 831-647-8654 | 197 Country Club Gate Ct | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Crocodile Grill | 831-655-3311 | 701 Lighthouse Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Fandango Restaurant | 831-372-3456 | 223 17th St | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Fifi's Bistro Cafe | 831-372-5325 | 1188 Forest Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Fishwife at Asilomar Beach | 831-375-7107 | 1996 Sunset Dr | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Grill on Lovers Point The | 831-649-6859 | 618 Ocean View Blvd | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Holly's Lighthouse Cafe | 831-372-7006 | 602 Lighthouse Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Lattitudes | 831-658-0880 | 631 Ocean View Blvd | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Links Restaurant The | 831-648-5774 | 77 Asilomar Blvd | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Max's Grill | 831-375-7997 | 209 Forest Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Monte Cafe | 831-645-9051 | 589 Lighthouse Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Ocean Sushi Deli | 831-649-1320 | 2701 David Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Pasta Mia Trattoria | 831-375-7709 | 481 Lighthouse Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Peppers Mexicali Cafe | 831-373-6892 | 170 Forest Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Petra Restaurant | 831-649-2530 | 477 Lighthouse Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Red House Cafe The | 831-643-1060 | 662 Lighthouse Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Subway Sandwiches and Salads | 831-655-2134 | 190 Country Club Gate Ct | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Takara Sushi Japanese Restaurant | 831-655-2730 | 218 17th St | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Taste Cafe & Bistro | 831-655-0324 | 1199 Forest Ave Ste 5 | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Thai Bistro II | 831-372-8700 | 159 Central Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Tillie Gort's | 831-373-0335 | 111 Central Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Toasties Cafe | 831-373-7543 | 702 Lighthouse Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Victorian Corner Restaurant | 831-372-4641 | 541 Lighthouse Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Vivolo's Chowder House | 831-372-5414 | 127 Central Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
Zocalo | 831-373-7911 | 162 Fountain Ave | Pacific Grove | CA | 93950 |
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