Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Costa Mesa, CA 92626
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Costa Mesa CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bureau of Jewish Education | 714-755-4000 | 250 Baker St E | Costa Mesa | CA | 92626 |
Christian Outreach Center | 714-641-0781 | 3303 Harbor Blvd Ste G9 | Costa Mesa | CA | 92626 |
Christian Science Churches & Read | 714-545-1747 | 2880 Mesa Verde Dr E | Costa Mesa | CA | 92626 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 714-444-2472 | 2775 Placentia Ave | Costa Mesa | CA | 92626 |
Fairview Community Church | 714-545-4610 | 2525 Fairview Rd | Costa Mesa | CA | 92626 |
Grace Fellowship Church | 714-549-8599 | 3170 Red Hill Ave | Costa Mesa | CA | 92626 |
Harbor Trinity Baptist Church | 714-556-7787 | 1230 Baker St | Costa Mesa | CA | 92626 |
Islamic Educational Center of Orang | 714-432-0060 | 3194 Airport Loop Dr | Costa Mesa | CA | 92626 |
Mesa Verde United Methodist Churc | 714-979-8234 | 1701 Baker St | Costa Mesa | CA | 92626 |
Presbyterian Church of the Covenant of | 714-557-3340 | 2850 Fairview Rd | Costa Mesa | CA | 92626 |
Prince of Peace Luth Church | 714-549-0521 | 2987 Mesa Verde Dr E | Costa Mesa | CA | 92626 |
Rock Harbor Church | 714-384-0914 | 345 Fischer Ave | Costa Mesa | CA | 92626 |
Vineyard Christian Fellowship | 714-556-8463 | 102 Baker St E | Costa Mesa | CA | 92626 |
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