Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fullerton, CA 92832
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fullerton CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
California South Church | 714-525-7000 | 404 W Wilshire Ave | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
Calvary Chapel of Fullerton | 714-879-3314 | 112 E Walnut Ave | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
Central Korean Church | 714-525-1267 | 706 S Lemon St | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
Christian & Missionary Alliance | 714-525-3269 | 620 S Roosevelt Ave | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
Congregational Church of Fullerton | 714-526-2662 | 845 N Euclid St | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
First Baptist Church of Fullerton | 714-526-2265 | 212 E Wilshire Ave | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
First Christian Church of Fullerton | 714-525-5525 | 109 E Wilshire Ave | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
First Lutheran Church of Fullerton | 714-871-7820 | 215 N Lemon St | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
Fullerton First United Methodist Churc | 714-773-1002 | 114 N Pomona Ave | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
General Assembly & Church of the F | 714-992-0972 | 200 N Lawrence Ave | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
Indonesia Presbyterian Fellowship | 714-525-4977 | 838 N Euclid St | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
Korean Methodist Church in Philadelphia | 714-526-4425 | 214 N Highland Ave | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
Korean Methodist Church in Philadelphia | 714-526-6879 | 238 W Wilshire Ave | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
Larson Ray | 714-449-9873 | 219 N Harbor Blvd | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
Majesty International Center | 714-879-7022 | 417 S Richman Ave | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
Majesty International Center | 714-526-0114 | 431 S Richman Ave | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
Orange Korean Christian Reformed Church | 714-871-8320 | 643 Malvern Ave | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
Praise Chapel Fullerton | 714-680-4818 | 215 E Commonwealth Ave Ste D | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
Self Realization Fellowship | 714-525-1291 | 142 E Chapman Ave | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
Son Rise Christian Fellowship | 714-992-1718 | 808 W Commonwealth Ave | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
Ywca of North Oc | 714-871-4488 | 215 E Commonwealth Ave Ste F | Fullerton | CA | 92832 |
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