Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Garden Grove, CA 92840
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Garden Grove CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Chapman Avenue Baptist Church | 714-636-9483 | 10241 Chapman Ave | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship | 714-534-2374 | 12652 Fletcher Dr | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
Church of Christ of Garden Grove NE | 714-537-8664 | 12582 Nelson St | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 714-750-5419 | 12742 Lampson Ave | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 714-530-7992 | 10212 Stanford Ave | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
Crystal Cathedral Academy | 714-971-4159 | 12141 Lewis St | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
D & T Flowers and Rentals | 714-636-5986 | 12151 Brookhurst St | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
Fiesta Production | 714-750-2381 | 13044 Chapman Ave | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
First Baptist Church of Garden Grove | 714-534-1742 | 12761 Euclid St | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
First Christian Church of Garden Grove | 714-534-3965 | 11231 Chapman Ave | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
First Presbyterian Church of Garde | 714-534-2269 | 11832 Euclid St | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
Fun | 714-638-1299 | 4 U 12015 Garden Grv | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
Garden Grove United Methodist Churc | 714-534-1070 | 12741 Main St | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
Grace Community Church of Garden Grove | 714-530-7441 | 12291 Nutwood St | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
Hour of Power | 714-971-4000 | 13280 Chapman Ave | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
Orange County Young Nak Presbyterian Ch | 714-534-1135 | 12612 Buaro St | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
St Luke's Antiochian Orthodox Church | 714-971-2244 | 13261 Dunklee Ave | Garden Grove | CA | 92840 |
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