Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in La Habra, CA 90631
* Each listing below of Churches Information for La Habra CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethany Romainian Baptist Church | 562-690-3844 | 1431 W La Habra Blvd | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
California Christ Community Churc | 562-902-6291 | 1201 S Beach Blvd | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Calvary Chapel La Habra | 714-446-6222 | 1392 S Euclid St | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Christian Science Churches & Read | 562-697-9654 | 521 N Euclid St | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Church of Christ | 562-697-4115 | 1621 W Lambert Rd | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Community Bible Church of La Habra | 562-691-2798 | 401 E 1st Ave | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Crossroads Community Church of La Ha | 562-691-6674 | 222 N Euclid St | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Emanuel Lutheran Church Elca | 562-691-0656 | 150 N Palm St | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
First Fundamental Bible Church | 562-691-0301 | 217 N Walnut St | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
First Missionary Baptist Church | 562-697-1364 | 550 N Euclid St | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Green Hills Baptist Church | 562-943-7291 | 2200 W Imperial Hwy | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Korean Gospel Presbyterian Ch | 562-694-6214 | 1751 W La Habra Blvd | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
La Habra Christian Church | 562-691-0514 | 1400 Bella Vista Dr | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
La Habra Four Square Mission | 562-694-2224 | 324 E 1st Ave | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
La Habra Hills Presbyterian Ch | 562-691-3296 | 951 N Idaho St | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
La Habra United Methodist Churc | 562-691-1797 | 631 N Euclid St | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Lutheran Churches | 562-943-3888 | 10327 Vally Home Ave | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Potter's Fellowship | 562-690-7020 | 700 E Lambert Rd Ste B | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Sam Sung Korean Presbyterian Ch | 714-257-0399 | 1620 Fullerton Rd | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Sam Sung Korean Presbyterian Ch | 562-691-8682 | 951 S Beach Blvd | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Villa Maria House of Prayer | 562-691-5838 | 1252 Citrus Dr | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Vineyard Christian Fellowship | 562-697-4600 | 615 S Palm St | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
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