Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Orange, CA 92866
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Orange CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christian Science Churches & Read | 714-538-2022 | 75 Plaza Sq | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Covenant Community Church | 714-538-5528 | 221 N Waverly St | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Covenant Family Fellowship Free | 714-538-1596 | 305 W Almond Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Ex-Mormons for Jesus | 714-997-3498 | 226 W Chapman Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
First Presbyterian Church of Orang | 714-538-2341 | 191 N Orange St | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church & School | 714-538-2373 | 802 E Chapman Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Old Towne Academy First United Methodis | 714-532-1561 | 161 S Orange St | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Orange Community Christian Churc | 714-289-0589 | 215 N Grand St | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Orange Korean Baptist Church | 714-744-3288 | 145 W Sycamore Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Son Light Sunday School | 714-538-3703 | 161 N Glassell St | Orange | CA | 92866 |
St John's Lutheran Church | 714-288-4410 | 141 S Center St | Orange | CA | 92866 |
St John's Lutheran Church | 714-288-4400 | 154 S Shaffer St | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Zion Christian Center | 714-997-8881 | 710 S Cambridge St | Orange | CA | 92866 |
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