Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Anaheim, CA 92807
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Anaheim CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A I Vasco Dds Family Dentistry | 714-779-7700 | 5779 E La Palma Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Anaheim Hills Dental Group | 714-998-2956 | 5731 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Anaheim Hills Family Dental Center | 714-998-2553 | 438 N Lakeview Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Anaheim Hills Plaza Dental | 714-637-4200 | 414 S Anaheim Hills Rd | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Anaheim Hills Village Dentistry | 714-779-5000 | 5642 E La Palma Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Belda Michael Dds | 714-921-9992 | 6318 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Burnham Craig H Dds | 714-998-1813 | 430 S Anaheim Hills Rd Ste F | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Chan M Raymond Dds | 714-282-7800 | 5485 E Estate Ridge Rd | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Chu Darren W Dds | 714-637-8003 | 6200 E Canyon Rim Rd Ste 210E | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Coy Craig G Dds Inc | 714-970-5533 | 5642 E La Palma Ave Ste 101 | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Dental Care of La Palma | 714-778-6614 | 4887 E La Palma Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Edison C Louie D D S Inc | 714-998-5710 | 500 S Anaheim Hills Rd Ste 220 | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Eisenbach Jacob Dds | 714-998-4151 | 5568 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Integrity Dental Techology | 714-695-0861 | 1250 N Lakeview Ave Ste F | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
John C Whitworth Dds Inc | 714-695-0593 | 5675 E La Palma Ave Ste 197 | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Kim Charles Dds | 714-693-3371 | 5655 E Orangethorpe Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Koyama S Dan Dds Inc | 714-974-4202 | 5591 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Sloan Robert W Dds | 714-637-9262 | 412 S Anaheim Hills Rd | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Star Dental Care | 714-693-1889 | 5031 E Orangethorpe Ave Ste B2 | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
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