Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Furniture in Huntington Beach, CA 92647
* Each listing below of Furniture Information for Huntington Beach CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adjustamatic Adjustable Beds | 714-375-0099 | 16091 Beach Blvd | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
Al's Woodcraft | 714-848-0982 | 17881 Beach Blvd | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
Arizona Leather Company | 714-841-5253 | 7662 Edinger Ave | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
Carpenters Collection | 714-848-7770 | 7492 Edinger Ave | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
Desoto Wood Gallery | 714-848-8689 | 17421 Nichols St Ste H | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
Finewood Products | 714-841-0412 | 7573 Slater Ave Ste M | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
Home Expressions Furnishings | 714-899-3678 | 7227 Edinger Ave Ste A | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
Huntington Beach Art & Frame Co | 714-848-3509 | 17152 Palmdale St | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
L A Mattress | 714-848-8877 | 7074 Edinger Ave | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
Levitz Leases & Sells Office Furnitur | 714-898-3300 | 7441 Edinger Ave | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
Materpiece Estate Sale & Oriental Rugs | 714-375-2848 | 17424 Beach Blvd | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
Noble Home Furnishing Inc | 714-841-7711 | 17401 Beach Blvd | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
Orange County Mattress | 714-596-3336 | 7362 Edinger Ave | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
Ortho Mattress | 714-841-4205 | 16532 Beach Blvd | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
Relax the Back | 714-375-7344 | 16071 Goldenwest St | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
Salmo's Furniture | 714-901-7059 | 7225 Edinger Ave | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
Thomasville Home Furnishings | 714-891-7083 | 7227 Edinger Ave Ste B | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
Today's Furniture | 714-698-7979 | 7470 Edinger Ave | Huntington Beach | CA | 92647 |
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