Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Orange, CA 92866
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Orange CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Acharya and Sharma Medical Corp | 714-771-2800 | 1240 E Chapman Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Allison Glenn MD | 714-633-9761 | 212 E Chapman Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Applebaum Jay MD | 714-538-8556 | 1506 E Chapman Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Barretto Roberto MD | 714-538-2966 | 302 W La Veta Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Bernhut Annette C MD | 714-997-2899 | 845 E Chapman Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Budman Robert D MD | 714-288-7000 | 911 E Chapman Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Cambridge Foot & Ankle Associates Inc | 714-771-4191 | 1038 E Chapman Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Charles T Levitan Inc | 714-538-2912 | 729 E Chapman Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
David S Ascher Charitable Foun | 714-771-4398 | 681 S Tustin St Ste 102 | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Denenny David M MD Med Corp | 714-639-1212 | 1042 E Chapman Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Dunn Robert J MD | 714-997-4920 | 392 S Glassell St | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Ehrlich Lawrence Do | 714-532-5353 | 1040 E Chapman Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Flores Alonzo J MD | 714-639-0303 | 229 S Glassell St | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Health Bridge Children's Reha | 714-289-2400 | 393 S Tustin St | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Kravitz Edward C MD | 714-835-4404 | 302 W La Veta Ave Ste 201 | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Montelongo F A MD | 714-997-8050 | 932 E Chapman Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Nuesse William MD | 714-771-1420 | 867 S Tustin St | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Ruper Eye Center | 714-633-6060 | 436 S Glassell St | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Social Behaviorial Health | 714-453-0688 | 1430 E Chapman Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
Su Stephen K Dr | 714-532-6357 | 711 E Chapman Ave | Orange | CA | 92866 |
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