Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Anaheim, CA 92807
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Anaheim CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anaheim Hills Elementary Scho | 714-997-6169 | 6450 E Serrano Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Canyon High School | 714-532-8000 | 220 S Imperial Hwy | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Canyon Hills Tmr School | 714-997-6171 | 260 S Imperial Hwy | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Community Home Education Progr | 714-777-8351 | 1250 N Lakeview Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Crescent Intermediate School | 714-997-6371 | 5001 E Gerda Dr | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Crescent Primary School | 714-997-6105 | 5125 E Gerda Dr | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Esperanza High School | 714-779-7870 | 1830 N Kellogg Dr | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Fairmont Private School | 714-693-3812 | 5310 E La Palma Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Glenview Elementary School | 714-779-2631 | 1775 N Glenview Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Imperial Elementary School | 714-997-6282 | 400 S Imperial Hwy | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Nohl Canyon Elementary School | 714-997-6203 | 4100 E Nohl Ranch Rd | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Orange Unified School District | 714-997-6273 | 4540 E Riverdale Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Peranich Reporting | 714-637-3774 | 5241 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd Ste 100 | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School | 714-970-2474 | 7575 E Woodsboro Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92807 |
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