Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in La Habra, CA 90631
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for La Habra CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
El Portal Elementary School | 562-902-4211 | 200 Nada St | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Fullerton Joint Union High School Dis | 714-870-6706 | 1021 Leslie St | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Fullerton Joint Union High School Dis | 562-266-2000 | 401 S Palm St | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Fullerton Union High School Disainte | 714-870-0802 | 1027 Leslie St | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Horizon High School | 562-690-0266 | 1261 S Harbor Blvd Ste H | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Horizon La Habra | 714-525-7391 | 1261 S Harbor Blvd Ste J | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
La Habra City School District | 562-690-2374 | 716 E La Habra Blvd | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
La Habra City School District | 562-690-2305 | 500 N Walnut St | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Lowell Joint School District | 562-902-4251 | 950 Briercliff Dr | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Lowell Joint School District | 562-902-4231 | 2301 Russell St | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Orange County Head Start Inc | 714-870-8400 | 301 Las Lomas Dr | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Our Lady of Guadalupe School | 562-697-9726 | 920 W La Habra Blvd | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
Whittier Christian High School | 562-694-3803 | 501 N Beach Blvd | La Habra | CA | 90631 |
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