Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Placentia, CA 92870
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Placentia CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Brookhaven Elementary School | 714-996-1912 | 1851 Brookhaven Ave | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
El Camino Real High School | 714-996-1971 | 1351 E Orangethorpe Ave | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
El Dorado High School | 714-993-5350 | 1651 Valencia Ave | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
George Key School | 714-996-7762 | 708 Golden Ave | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
Golden Elementary School | 714-996-5760 | 740 Golden Ave | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
John Bunyan Academy | 714-577-0148 | 1425 Annajeane Dr | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
Kraemer Middle School | 714-996-1551 | 645 N Angelina Dr | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
Melrose Elementary | 714-630-4992 | 974 S Melrose St | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
Mesa Academy of Message | 714-579-3330 | 57 Freeway at Orangetho | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
Morse Elementary School | 714-524-6300 | 431 Morse Ave | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
Parkview Independent Study K 9 | 714-993-6647 | 2189 N Kraemer Blvd | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School | 714-985-8410 | 1301 E Orangethorpe Ave | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School | 714-996-0563 | 717 E Yorba Linda Blvd | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School | 714-996-4970 | 500 N Bradford Ave | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School | 714-996-1881 | 2151 N Kraemer Blvd | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School | 714-996-0150 | 1811 N Placentia Ave | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School | 714-996-1921 | 601 Ruby Dr | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School | 714-996-5550 | 735 Stanford Dr | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
St Joseph Catholic Church | 714-528-1794 | 801 N Bradford Ave | Placentia | CA | 92870 |
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