Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Anaheim, CA 92802
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Anaheim CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's Roast Beef Restaurants | 714-535-1813 | 1646 W Katella Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Bryan Burgers | 714-635-2838 | 430 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Burger King | 714-956-1451 | 510 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Burger King | 714-778-6788 | 1626 W Katella Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Cappucino Cafasia | 714-971-2318 | 1855 S Harbor Blvd | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Carl's Jr Restaurants | 714-971-5641 | 2119 S Harbor Blvd | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Carnitas San Juan | 714-635-6687 | 1300 S Euclid St Ste A | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Casa San Juan | 714-750-8832 | 320 E Orangewood Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Catal Restaurant and Uva Bar | 714-774-4442 | 1580 S Disneyland Dr | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Cero's Restaurant | 714-956-2031 | 316 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Clarion Hotel Anaheim Resort | 714-750-3131 | 616 W Convention Way | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Coco's Family Restaurant | 714-772-0414 | 1100 W Katella Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Coffee Break Ibarra Restaurant | 714-772-1849 | 1416 N Central Park Ave W | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Country Family Cafe | 714-956-5341 | 1736 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Cuban Petes Carribean Grill | 714-490-2020 | 1050 W Ball Rd | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Del Taco | 714-520-0182 | 213 E Katella Way | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Del Taco | 714-971-5239 | 2330 S Harbor Blvd | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Denny's Restaurant | 714-956-9870 | 210 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Denny's Restaurant | 714-776-3300 | 1610 S Harbor Blvd | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Denny's Restaurant | 714-750-5120 | 2080 S Harbor Blvd | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Dennys Restaurant | 714-507-0102 | 1168 W Katella Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Disneyland Hotel | 323-636-3251 | 1150 W Magic Way | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
El Pollo Inka Anaheim | 714-772-2263 | 400 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
El Pollo Loco | 714-772-5492 | 969 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
El Taco No 51 | 714-535-2059 | 615 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Five Feet Anaheim | 714-383-6000 | 12017 Harbor Blvd | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Gandhi Palace | 714-808-6777 | 515 W Katella Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
H Salt Esq Fish & Chips | 714-776-0211 | 1780 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Haagen Dazs | 714-533-7640 | 1550 S Disneyland Dr | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Hong Kong Express | 714-817-0922 | 909 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Jack in the Box | 714-740-1131 | 2210 S Harbor Blvd | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
John's Philly Grille & Bar | 714-491-2733 | 1784 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Jolly Roger Inn | 714-782-7500 | 640 W Katella Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Kfc | 714-491-2456 | 299 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Las Brisas Autentic Mexican Food | 714-533-2455 | 1675 W Katella Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Marriott Suites Anaheim | 714-750-1000 | 12015 Harbor Blvd | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 714-491-0563 | 1500 S Harbor Blvd | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Millie's Restaurant & Bakery | 714-535-6892 | 1480 S Harbor Blvd | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Mimi's Cafe | 714-956-2223 | 1400 S Harbor Blvd | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Napa Rose Restaurant | 714-300-7170 | 1600 S Disneyland Dr | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Nory's Restaurant | 714-774-9115 | 933 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Pakastanian Restaurant | 714-635-7770 | 1671 W Katella Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Panda Kitchen | 714-999-6888 | 1770 S Harbor Blvd Ste 120 | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Quan Chot Nho Restaurant | 714-778-3664 | 1734 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Rainforest Cafe | 714-772-0413 | 1515 S Disneyland Dr | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen | 714-776-5200 | 1590 S Disneyland Dr | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Spire's Restaurants Inc | 714-635-5730 | 990 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 714-535-3277 | 1770 S Harbor Blvd Ste 136 | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Taco Bell No 16812 | 714-491-6682 | 1600 W Katella Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Taco Bell No 3063 | 714-638-3429 | 2144 S Harbor Blvd | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Taco Boy | 714-535-6073 | 895 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Taco Mi Pueblo | 714-778-3100 | 1188 W Katella Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Taqueria Deanda | 714-520-5939 | 924 S Euclid St | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Taqueria Los Altos | 714-638-2022 | 1612 W Katella Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Tiffy's Family Restaurant | 714-635-1801 | 1060 W Katella Ave | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Tony Roma's | 714-520-0200 | 1640 S Harbor Blvd | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
Tortilla Jo's | 714-535-5000 | 1510 S Disneyland Dr | Anaheim | CA | 92802 |
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