Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Irvine, CA 92604
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Irvine CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Burger King | 949-857-6615 | 14474 Culver Dr Ste A | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Carl's Jr Restaurants | 949-559-0882 | 4960 Barranca Pkwy | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Curry House | 949-654-1449 | 14407 Culver Dr | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Darband Persian Cuisine | 949-857-8265 | 14210 Culver Dr | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Del Taco | 949-551-8792 | 4820 Barranca Pkwy | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
El Cholo Cantina | 949-451-0044 | 5465 Alton Pkwy | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Elephant Bar & Restaurant | 949-651-6087 | 14346 Culver Dr | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Hsin Hsin Shau May Deli | 949-857-1287 | 5394 Walnut Ave Ste C | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Islands Restaurants | 949-552-1888 | 4020 Barranca Pkwy | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Kaya Restaurant | 949-726-9424 | 14120 Culver Dr Ste G | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Koki Teppan & Sushi | 949-551-6600 | 15361 Culver Dr | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
L & L Hawaiian Barbecue | 949-262-9088 | 14310 Culver Dr | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Marie Callender's Restaurants & B | 949-552-2101 | 15363 Culver Dr | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 949-551-4700 | 5445 Alton Pkwy | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 949-552-5959 | 15459 Culver Dr | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Mimi's Cafe | 949-559-8840 | 4030 Barranca Pkwy | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
New Shang Hai Restaurants | 949-733-3836 | 5408 Walnut Ave | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Nice Time Deli | 949-654-8542 | 5408 Walnut Ave Ste A | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Oriental Seafood Noodle House | 949-654-8388 | 14370 Culver Dr Ste H | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Outback Steakhouse | 949-651-8760 | 15433 Culver Dr | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Quizno's Restaurant | 949-552-3456 | 14450 Culver Dr Ste C | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Ruby's Diner | 949-552-7829 | 4602 Barranca Pkwy | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
S W Seafood & B B Q Restaurant Inc | 949-262-0398 | 5406 Walnut Ave | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Sam Woo Restaurant | 949-262-0688 | 15333 Culver Dr Ste 720 | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Seasons Cafe | 949-654-2366 | 5408 Walnut Ave Ste H | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Sumo Sushi Seafood Grillbar | 949-551-1688 | 14110 Culver Dr | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Sushi Boy | 949-654-8111 | 14421 Culver Dr | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Thai Kitchen | 949-857-1788 | 4250 Barranca Pkwy Ste U | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Thanh Restaurant | 949-559-7788 | 15315 Culver Dr Ste 140 | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Waters Restaurant | 949-733-9503 | 4615 Barranca Pkwy | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 949-857-0147 | 14386 Culver Dr | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
Wokman | 949-857-0939 | 14411 Culver Dr | Irvine | CA | 92604 |
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