Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Child Care in Auburn, CA 95603
* Each listing below of Child Care Information for Auburn CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Star Is Born Preschool & Lea | 530-823-7827 | 206 Lincoln Way | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Bell's Preschool & Childcare | 530-823-9860 | 10810 Atwood Rd | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Child Development Services | 530-745-1380 | 365 Nevada St | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
O'brien Child Development Cen | 530-885-0530 | Dewitt Ctr | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Placer County Office of Education | 530-885-6624 | 1230 High St Ste 120 | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Sierra Pre-School | 530-823-3557 | 13315 Luther Rd | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Sugar & Spice Preschool Day Care Center | 530-878-7832 | 14675 Musso Rd | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Tutor Totter Pre School Inc | 530-878-8394 | Dry Creek Rd & Chris | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
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