Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Chiropractors in Auburn, CA 95603
* Each listing below of Chiropractors Information for Auburn CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Advanced Chiropractic Center | 530-823-3734 | 11899 Edgewood Rd | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Auburn Chiropractic Center | 530-885-4504 | 11768 Atwood Rd Ste 16 | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Auburn Network Chiropractic | 530-888-8865 | 11990 Heritage Oak Pl Ste 11 | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Barney Glenn J DC | 530-887-2150 | 3133 Professional Dr Ste 10 | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Bedell David L DC | 530-885-6975 | 410 Auburn Folsom Rd | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Dr Bob | 530-887-8010 | 185 Cherry Ave | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Dr Hilary J Rutledge | 530-823-3008 | 161 Palm Ave | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Dynamic Chiropractic | 530-885-3154 | 11879 Kemper Rd Ste 3 | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
King Chiropractic | 530-888-6676 | 11930 Heritage Oak Pl Ste 3 | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Kusel Chiropractic & Rehabilitation | 530-885-4447 | 389 Nevada St | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Lacy Chiropractic | 530-823-7048 | 11956 Masters Ct | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Lambert Matt DC | 530-889-2467 | 985 Lincoln Way Ste 202 | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Life Balance Chiropractic & | 530-887-8968 | 1215 High St | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Macdonald Paula DC | 530-888-8021 | 1233 High St | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Perryman Jaya DC Lac | 530-888-0842 | 11810 Industrial Ct | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Smith Chiropractic Office | 530-885-8205 | 13136 Lincoln Way | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
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