Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Auburn, CA 95603
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Auburn CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Auburn Presbyterian Church | 530-823-3916 | 13025 Bel Air Dr | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Auburn Skyline Church of Christ | 530-823-5683 | 11577 E Ave | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Auburn Wedding Chapel | 530-823-6986 | 2945 1st St | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Bell Road Baptist Church | 530-885-5212 | 707 Bell Rd | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Bethlehem Lutheran Church | 530-885-4515 | 1279 High St | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Calvary Chapel Christian Schoo | 530-885-9105 | 202 Dairy Rd | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Calvary Chapel of Auburn | 530-885-6332 | 1101 Auburn Ravine Rd | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Canyon View Community Church | 530-887-7350 | 471 Maidu Dr | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Christian Science Church Reading | 530-885-4811 | 1039 High St | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Church of Christ | 530-823-6727 | 305 Foresthill Ave | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 530-888-9702 | 1255 Bell Rd | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Datco | 530-268-8101 | 2280 Grass Valley Hwy | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Eckankar | 530-888-1117 | 884 Lincoln Way Ste 37 | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Faith Fellowship | 530-887-0413 | 655 High St | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
First Baptist Church of Auburn | 530-885-8458 | 139 E Placer St | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
First Congregational Church of Aubur | 530-885-9087 | 710 Auburn Ravine Rd | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Global Fellowship Inc | 530-888-9208 | 1260 Wesley Ln | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Grace Christian Fellowship | 530-823-1318 | 258 Elm Ave | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Harvest Christian Church | 530-889-8700 | 385 Nevada St | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Lighthouse Baptist Church | 530-887-1912 | 11538 E Ave | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
New Faith Community Church | 530-887-5477 | 11546 D Ave | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
New Life the Apostolic Church | 530-885-2273 | 10530 Ophir Rd | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Pioneer United Methodist Churc | 530-885-4196 | 1338 Lincoln Way | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Power's Mansion Inn | 530-885-1166 | 164 Cleveland Ave | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Salvation Army | 530-889-3990 | 286 Sutter St | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Sisters of Mercy | 530-887-2000 | 535 Sacramento St | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Sonrise Church | 530-885-9400 | 3126 Olympic Way | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
Spiritualist Chapel of the Pines | 530-823-1816 | 457 Grass Valley Hwy Ste 7 | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
St Paul Lutheran Church Lc Ms | 530-885-5378 | 275 Nation Dr | Auburn | CA | 95603 |
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