Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Roseville, CA 95661
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Roseville CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Dry Creek Elementary School District | 916-771-2060 | 21955 P F E Rd | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
Dry Creek Joint Elementary Scho | 916-727-0365 | 8343 Palmerson Dr | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
Eureka Union School District | 916-780-2701 | 2701 Eureka Rd | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
Eureka Union School District | 916-789-7910 | 1950 Johnson Ranch Dr | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
Eureka Union School District | 916-782-1667 | 2625 La Croix Dr | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
First Presbyterian Church Christia | 916-782-9443 | 515 Sunrise Ave | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
Granite Bay Jr | 916-791-5354 | Grizzlies | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
Institute of Technology Inc | 916-797-6337 | 333 Sunrise Ave Frnt | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
Oakmont High School | 916-782-3781 | 1710 Cirby Way | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
Roseville City Schools | 916-786-6131 | 2501 Alexandra Dr | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
Roseville City Schools | 916-786-2051 | 1750 Cirby Way | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
Roseville City Schools | 916-782-3104 | 711 Oak Ridge Dr | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
Roseville City Schools | 916-782-4961 | 1200 Ridgecrest Way | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
Roseville City Schools | 916-781-2664 | 1501 Sheridan Ave | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
Roseville City Schools | 916-783-5245 | 1509 Sierra Gardens Dr | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
Roseville Joint Union High School Dis | 916-782-8065 | 1750 Chelsea Way | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
Roseville Montessori Community Co Op | 916-780-4877 | 850 Cirby Way | Roseville | CA | 95661 |
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