Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Auto Repair in Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
* Each listing below of Auto Repair Information for Lake Elsinore CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A & M Automotive | 951-245-1562 | 31760 Mission Trl Ste B | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Brake Masters | 951-245-1600 | 31760 Mission Trl | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
California Smog & Test Only | 951-678-1422 | 18273 Grand Ave Ste 9 | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Chrysler Specialists | 951-674-5678 | 29170 Riverside Dr | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Culhane's Transmissions | 951-678-1669 | 18273 Grand Ave | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Dave's Automotive | 951-674-1984 | 311 W Minthorn St | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Econo Lube N' Tune & Brakes | 951-674-8693 | 31700 Casino Dr | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Express Tire & Automotive Serv | 951-674-0794 | 300 Diamond Dr | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Firestone Tire & Service Centers | 951-674-0633 | 31748 Mission Trl | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Four Brothers Tire Shop | 951-678-9511 | 16817 Grand Ave | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Gearhart's Garage Inc | 951-674-3459 | 184 S Main St | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Grand Avenue Auto Repair | 951-609-0088 | 17717 Grand Ave | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
International Auto Crafters | 951-471-1733 | 29385 Hunco Way | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
L & E Automotive Repair | 951-674-1023 | 1150 W Flint St | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Lake Elsinore Transmission | 951-678-6827 | 18979 Grand Ave | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Lear Autobody-Towing | 951-674-1516 | 424 N Main St | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Ledezma Muffler & Hitch | 951-471-2165 | 29350 Hunco Way | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Les' Auto Repair | 951-674-4519 | 212 W Graham Ave | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Marlar's Auto Service | 951-674-2330 | 300 W Graham Ave | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
National Automotive Repair | 951-245-5311 | Trellis & 74 Hwy | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
R & De Automotive Service | 951-245-2070 | 16881 Lakeshore Dr | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Reflection Auto-Trends | 951-245-0245 | 14881 Temescal Canyon Rd | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Value Automotive | 951-245-7522 | 1206 W Flint St | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Z Best Body & Paint | 951-471-5530 | 18357 Pasadena St | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
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