Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Indio, CA 92201
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Indio CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aladdin's Florist & Wedding Chapel | 760-347-3679 | 45507 Smurr St | Indio | CA | 92201 |
Apostolic Church | 760-342-4199 | 46601 Vargas Rd | Indio | CA | 92201 |
Central Baptist Church | 760-347-0317 | 45520 Clinton St | Indio | CA | 92201 |
Church of Christ | 760-342-1859 | 81377 Avenue 46 | Indio | CA | 92201 |
Church of Christ of Indio | 760-347-4991 | 45745 Deglet Noor St | Indio | CA | 92201 |
Coachella Valley Christian Churc | 760-347-1229 | Avenue 50 & Jacksn | Indio | CA | 92201 |
Coachella Valley Rescue Mission | 760-347-3512 | 47518 Van Buren St | Indio | CA | 92201 |
First African Methodist Episcopal Churc | 760-342-9023 | 82200 John Nobles Ave | Indio | CA | 92201 |
Potters House Christian Fellowship | 760-342-8366 | 45300 Oasis St | Indio | CA | 92201 |
Rock of Salvation Church | 760-342-1087 | 81353 Poppy St | Indio | CA | 92201 |
Second Missionary Baptist Church | 760-347-3853 | 43640 Burr St | Indio | CA | 92201 |
Shepherd of the Valley A United Method | 760-347-1046 | 45501 Deglet Noor St | Indio | CA | 92201 |
St Andrew Community Presbyterian Ch | 760-347-5344 | 47192 Monroe St | Indio | CA | 92201 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 760-347-0604 | 44550 Monroe St | Indio | CA | 92201 |
Victory Outreach Church | 760-342-9898 | 44919 Golf Center Pkwy | Indio | CA | 92201 |
Wallace Memorial Baptist Church | 760-347-7713 | 82631 Avenue 44 | Indio | CA | 92201 |
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