Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lake Elsinore CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Korean Church | 951-609-1515 | 31600 El Cariso Rd | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Church of Christ | 951-674-5914 | 201 N Main St | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 951-245-4063 | 18220 Dexter Ave | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 951-674-4782 | 18220 Dextr Ave | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Elsinore Christian Center | 951-674-0747 | 119 E Graham Ave | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Evangelical Seventh Day Baptist Chrch O | 951-245-1433 | 32580 Wildomar Rd | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
First Lutheran Church Lcms | 951-674-2757 | 600 W Sumner Ave | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Independent Church of Elsinore | 951-674-3632 | 308 N Kellogg St | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Lake Elsinore Baptist Church | 951-674-9350 | 911 W Graham Ave | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Lake Providence Baptist Church | 951-674-4311 | 301 W Sumner Ave | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Lakehills Community Church | 951-678-2514 | 18119 Grand Ave | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Lakeview Chapel | 951-674-2825 | 32700 Mission Trl | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Lambs Fellowship Lake Elsinore | 951-471-3807 | 506 W Graham Ave Ste 206 | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Living Waters Bible Center | 951-471-1068 | 137 N Main St | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 951-674-8053 | 990 E Lakeshore Dr | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
New Song Calvary Chapel | 951-245-5664 | 31507 Machado St | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
Shepherd of Life Lutheran Elca | 951-678-1561 | 30400 Grand Ave | Lake Elsinore | CA | 92530 |
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