Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Riverside, CA 92501
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Riverside CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allen Chapel African Methodist Episc | 951-686-9406 | 4009 Locust St | Riverside | CA | 92501 |
Baha'i Faith | 951-684-8368 | 3332 Orange St | Riverside | CA | 92501 |
Calvary Baptist Church Southern | 951-686-7569 | 1718 N Orange St | Riverside | CA | 92501 |
Calvary Presbyterian Chur | 951-686-0761 | 4495 Magnolia Ave | Riverside | CA | 92501 |
Church of Christ Northside | 951-683-7141 | 3370 Columbia Ave | Riverside | CA | 92501 |
Community Church of Religious Scien | 951-683-2343 | 3891 Ridge Rd | Riverside | CA | 92501 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 951-683-1404 | 3606 Lemon St | Riverside | CA | 92501 |
First Congregational Church | 951-684-2494 | 3755 Lemon St | Riverside | CA | 92501 |
Iglesia Del Nazareno | 951-276-9326 | 3310 Lime St | Riverside | CA | 92501 |
Iglesia Ni Cristo | 951-684-1353 | 3292 Locust St | Riverside | CA | 92501 |
Mission Community Foursquare Chur | 951-683-4651 | 4291 11th St | Riverside | CA | 92501 |
Salvation Army The | 951-784-4490 | 3695 1st St | Riverside | CA | 92501 |
Salvation Christian Ministries Inc | 951-683-2840 | 317 W La Cadena Dr | Riverside | CA | 92501 |
United Campus Ministry | 951-788-4662 | Canyon Crest Dr & UN | Riverside | CA | 92501 |
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