Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Cathedral City, CA 92234
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Cathedral City CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agua Caliente Elemtary School | 760-416-8235 | 30800 San Luis Rey Dr | Cathedral City | CA | 92234 |
Barry Michael PhD | 760-328-0096 | 35325 Date Palm Dr Ste 221 | Cathedral City | CA | 92234 |
Cathedral City High School | 760-770-0100 | 69250 Dinah Shore Dr | Cathedral City | CA | 92234 |
Cathedral City School | 760-770-8583 | 69300 Converse Rd | Cathedral City | CA | 92234 |
Contractor State License Schools | 760-778-2606 | 67712 Ramon Rd | Cathedral City | CA | 92234 |
Landau Elementary School | 760-770-8600 | 30310 Landau Blvd | Cathedral City | CA | 92234 |
Mt San Jacinto High School | 760-770-8563 | 30800 Landau Blvd | Cathedral City | CA | 92234 |
Nellie N Coffman Middle School | 760-770-8617 | 34603 Plumley Rd | Cathedral City | CA | 92234 |
Palm Springs Unified School District | 760-416-0032 | 67700 Verona Rd | Cathedral City | CA | 92234 |
Palm Springs Unified School District | 760-770-8635 | 69310 McCallum Way | Cathedral City | CA | 92234 |
Workman James Middle School | 760-770-8540 | 69300 30th Ave | Cathedral City | CA | 92234 |
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