Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Riverside, CA 92503
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Riverside CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alvord Continuation High School | 951-351-9273 | 3606 Pierce St | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Alvord Unified School District | 951-351-9343 | 11045 Arizona Ave | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Alvord Unified School District | 951-351-9316 | 6585 Crest Ave | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Alvord Unified School District | 951-351-9357 | 3350 Fillmore St | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Alvord Unified School District | 951-351-9274 | 5891 Rutland Ave | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Alvord Unified School District | 951-351-9267 | 6601 Rutland Ave | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Alvord Unified School District | 951-351-9264 | 8230 Wells Ave | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Alvord Unified School District | 951-351-9241 | 10000 Wells Ave | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Club Discovery of Harrison School | 951-352-2310 | 2901 Harrison St | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Freeway Traffic School | 951-688-7077 | 10020 Indiana Ave Ste 2 | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Hawthorne Elementary School | 951-352-6716 | 9174 Indiana Ave | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Jackson Elementary School | 951-352-8211 | 4585 Jackson St | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Keystone Schools | 951-785-0504 | 9994 County Farm Rd | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Riverside Unified School District | 951-352-8225 | 9631 Hayes St | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Riverside Unified School District | 951-352-8316 | 2951 Jackson St | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Riverside Unified School District | 951-352-8244 | 8830 Magnolia Ave | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Safehouse Community School | 951-688-2105 | 9685 Hayes St | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
St Thomas Catholic Church Scho | 951-689-1981 | 9136 Magnolia Ave | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
Villegas Ysmael Middle School | 951-351-6622 | 3754 Harvill Ln | Riverside | CA | 92503 |
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