Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Carmichael, CA 95608
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Carmichael CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American River Community Churc | 916-483-3465 | 3300 Walnut Ave | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Ark Mission Church Pca | 916-482-8800 | 5738 Marconi Ave | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Calvary Intl Christian Ministry | 916-481-8725 | 4744 Engle Rd | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Carmichael Baptist Church | 916-481-2911 | 3210 California Ave | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Carmichael Bible Church | 916-486-8611 | 7100 Fair Oaks Blvd | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Carmichael Christian Church | 916-487-8425 | 4837 Marconi Ave | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Carmichael Presbyterian Church | 916-486-9081 | 5645 Marconi Ave | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Celebration Church | 916-484-6700 | 5736 North Ave | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Celebration Church | 916-484-0119 | 5748 North Ave | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Christ Community Church | 916-344-2382 | 5025 Manzanita Ave | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Christian Science Reading Rooms | 916-487-8293 | 4949 Marconi Ave | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Church of Christ | 916-483-9318 | 6044 Sutter Ave | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Church of Christ Winding Way | 916-966-0310 | 6201 Winding Way | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Churches of Christ Scientist | 916-487-9338 | 4949 Kenneth Ave | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Cypress Avenue Baptist Church | 916-972-8200 | 5709 Cypress Ave | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
English Garden The | 916-830-1047 | 6227 Fair Oaks Blvd | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Gethsemane Lutheran Church Elca | 916-483-5047 | 4706 Arden Way | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Great Occasions Wedding Chapel & Garden | 916-483-6691 | 6811 Fair Oaks Blvd | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 916-973-0290 | 4145 Garfield Ave | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Spirit Filled Christian Center | 916-944-2459 | 6641 Grant Ave | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
St Michael's Episcopal Church | 916-488-3550 | 2140 Mission Ave | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
Tv Video Land | 916-482-3403 | 4709 Manzanita Ave | Carmichael | CA | 95608 |
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