Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in North Highlands, CA 95660
* Each listing below of Churches Information for North Highlands CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Missionary Baptist Church | 916-334-6884 | 7309 34th St | North Highlands | CA | 95660 |
Bible Baptist Church of Grace | 916-334-4800 | 7140 Watt Ave | North Highlands | CA | 95660 |
Capitol Free Will Baptist Church | 916-344-8782 | 6201 Watt Ave | North Highlands | CA | 95660 |
Faith Baptist | 916-331-7023 | 3501 Q St | North Highlands | CA | 95660 |
Faith Fellowship Community Churc | 916-339-9156 | 5937 Watt Ave | North Highlands | CA | 95660 |
Family Community Church | 916-334-7700 | 6331 Watt Ave | North Highlands | CA | 95660 |
First Baptist Church of North Highlands | 916-332-1711 | 6125 Watt Ave | North Highlands | CA | 95660 |
Frost Charles H Rev Madison Ave Bap | 916-332-6404 | 4148 Madison Ave | North Highlands | CA | 95660 |
Highlands Missionary Baptist Church | 916-332-9257 | 4130 Baptist Ct | North Highlands | CA | 95660 |
Murph Emmanuel A M E Church | 916-332-7749 | 4151 Don Julio Blvd | North Highlands | CA | 95660 |
New Testament Baptist Church | 916-344-0440 | 6746 34th St | North Highlands | CA | 95660 |
Second Slavic Baptist Church | 916-349-1381 | 6601 Watt Ave | North Highlands | CA | 95660 |
The Word To All Nations | 916-473-0517 | 3601 Plymouth Dr | North Highlands | CA | 95660 |
Zion Lutheran Church | 916-332-4001 | 3644 Bolivar Ave | North Highlands | CA | 95660 |
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