Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Sacramento, CA 95814
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Sacramento CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Canaan Presbyterian Church | 916-987-7992 | 1407 J St | Sacramento | CA | 95814 |
Chinese Benvolent Assn | 916-443-3846 | 915 4th St | Sacramento | CA | 95814 |
Christian Science Reading Rooms | 916-441-5248 | 900 J St | Sacramento | CA | 95814 |
Church of Scientology Sacramento | 916-448-5891 | 825 15th St | Sacramento | CA | 95814 |
Clarion Hotel Mansion Inn Sacramento | 916-444-8000 | 700 16th St | Sacramento | CA | 95814 |
Courtyard Grill | 916-442-4772 | 1112 2nd St | Sacramento | CA | 95814 |
Jericho Education and Voice for Justi | 916-441-0387 | 926 J St Ste 410 | Sacramento | CA | 95814 |
Lutheran Office of Public Policy | 916-447-6666 | 1701 L St | Sacramento | CA | 95814 |
Parkview Presbyterian Church | 916-443-4464 | 727 T St | Sacramento | CA | 95814 |
Presbyterian Church Westminster | 916-442-8939 | 1300 N St | Sacramento | CA | 95814 |
Salvation Army The | 916-442-0331 | 1200 N B St | Sacramento | CA | 95814 |
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