Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Sacramento, CA 95817
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Sacramento CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
First English Lutheran Elca | 916-452-6247 | 3860 4th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95817 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 916-457-0495 | 3779 9th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95817 |
Harmony Church | 916-454-0443 | 3449 2nd Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95817 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 916-452-5001 | 3965 12th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95817 |
Kyles Temple Ame Zion Church | 916-457-8015 | 2940 42nd St | Sacramento | CA | 95817 |
New Saint Bethel Baptist | 916-456-3077 | 4201 8th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95817 |
Oak Park United Methodist Churc | 916-456-0487 | 3600 Broadway | Sacramento | CA | 95817 |
Sacramento Asian American Minist | 916-454-3600 | 5801 2nd Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95817 |
Sacramento Revival Center | 916-456-6489 | 3412 Y St | Sacramento | CA | 95817 |
Shiloh Baptist Church | 916-452-5052 | 3565 9th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95817 |
St Jude Christian Tabernacle | 916-732-4400 | 2828 33rd St | Sacramento | CA | 95817 |
St Paul Baptist Church | 916-737-7063 | 4020 12th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95817 |
St Paul's Lutheran Church | 916-456-8523 | 2958 59th St | Sacramento | CA | 95817 |
Trinity Missionary Baptist Church | 916-457-6625 | 3601 12th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95817 |
Unity Missionary Baptist Church | 916-452-3373 | 3308 4th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95817 |
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