Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Sacramento, CA 95820
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Sacramento CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Central International Fellowship | 916-455-3105 | 4760 16th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Century Chapel Christian Metho | 916-452-1913 | 2801 29th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Christ Temple Missionary | 916-456-3559 | 3030 26th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Church of Christ-Central | 916-455-6098 | 6755 San Joaquin St | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Emmanuel Cme Church | 916-452-5751 | 4445 Fruitridge Rd | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
First Full Gospel Missionary Bapt | 916-455-5911 | 5517 63rd St | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
First Japanese Baptist Church | 916-451-6707 | 2900 29th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Fourteenth Ave Baptist Church | 916-452-7108 | 6240 14th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Greater Bethlehem Temple Apostoli | 916-455-2014 | 4525 15th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Greater Hill Zion Missionary Bapt | 916-386-2207 | 4171 Soledad Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Greater Light Baptist Church | 916-451-8263 | 3909 36th St | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Greater Solomon Temple the M B C | 916-457-7638 | 3555 22nd Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Livingspring Christian Center | 916-454-5483 | 5101 Lawrence Dr | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Maranatha Christian Church | 916-421-8207 | 3424 Fruitridge Rd | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Mt Marriah Baptist Church | 916-452-2113 | 4120 Martin Luther King J | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Mt Pilgrim Baptist Church | 916-451-4030 | 4800 Martin Luther King J | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 916-452-1379 | 3700 32nd St | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Paradise Baptist Church | 916-452-1974 | 3651 27th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Pleasant Hill Christian Praise Center | 916-456-3683 | 3612 16th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Signal Heights Baptist Church | 916-383-6777 | 7440 Fruitridge Rd | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
St James Holy Baptist Church | 916-452-2742 | 3624 Stockton Blvd | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
St Matthew Baptist Church | 916-451-8986 | 4809 Roosevelt Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
St Paul Baptist Church | 916-737-7070 | 3996 14th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
True Way of Pentecost | 916-452-2058 | 4401 15th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Universal Church The | 916-429-4470 | 4840 Fruitridge Rd | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Wesley United Methodist Church | 916-456-4029 | 5010 15th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
Zion Temple Church of Christ Holiness | 916-451-3567 | 4640 Del Norte Blvd | Sacramento | CA | 95820 |
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