Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Sacramento, CA 95827
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Sacramento CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bible Fellowship Baptist Church | 916-368-5878 | 9900 Horn Rd | Sacramento | CA | 95827 |
Church of Christ New Hope | 916-369-2300 | 10255 Old Placerville Rd | Sacramento | CA | 95827 |
De Graaff Henry J Rev Sierra Mission | 916-446-7761 | 9985 Folsom Blvd | Sacramento | CA | 95827 |
Grace Missionary Baptist Church | 916-361-1902 | 9877 Old Placerville Rd | Sacramento | CA | 95827 |
Mayhew Community Baptist Church | 916-363-4523 | 3401 Routier Rd | Sacramento | CA | 95827 |
Presbyterian Church USA Foundation | 916-366-1934 | 9983 Folsom Blvd | Sacramento | CA | 95827 |
Sacramento Korean Presbyterian Ch | 916-363-2927 | 9936 Mills Station Rd | Sacramento | CA | 95827 |
Sierra Pacific Conference Free | 916-363-1731 | 9750 Business Park Dr | Sacramento | CA | 95827 |
Slavic Missionary Church | 916-369-6065 | 9880 Jackson Rd | Sacramento | CA | 95827 |
Warehouse Christian Ministries | 916-361-0861 | 9933 Business Park Dr | Sacramento | CA | 95827 |
Youth for Christ | 916-857-0660 | 9823 Old Winery Pl | Sacramento | CA | 95827 |
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