Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Sacramento, CA 95821
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Sacramento CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arcade Fundamental Middle School | 916-971-7300 | 3500 Edison Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95821 |
Del Paso Manor Elementary Scho | 916-575-2330 | 2700 Maryal Dr | Sacramento | CA | 95821 |
Dyer Kelly Elementary School | 916-566-2150 | 2236 Edison Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95821 |
Loretto High School A Catholic Prprtr | 916-482-7793 | 2360 El Camino Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95821 |
Pasadena Elementary School | 916-575-2373 | 4330 Pasadena Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95821 |
Presentation School | 916-482-0351 | 3100 Norris Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95821 |
San Juan Unified School District | 916-575-2312 | 3350 Becerra Way | Sacramento | CA | 95821 |
San Juan Unified School District | 916-575-2407 | 4248 Whitney Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95821 |
St Philomene | 916-489-5466 | 2320 El Camino Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95821 |
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