Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Sacramento, CA 95822
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Sacramento CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Cabrillo John Elementary Scho | 916-264-4171 | 1141 Seamas Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
Chavez Cesar E Elementary Scho | 916-433-7397 | 7500 32nd St | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
Da Vinci Leonardo Elementary Scho | 916-277-6496 | 4701 Joaquin Way | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
Hollywood Park Elementary Scho | 916-277-6290 | 4915 Harte Way | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
Holy Spirit School | 916-448-5663 | 3920 W Land Park Dr | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
Hopkins Mark Elementary School | 916-433-5072 | 2221 Matson Dr | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
Huntington Collis P Elementary Scho | 916-433-5435 | 5921 26th St | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
Kemble Edward Elementary Scho | 916-433-5025 | 7495 29th St | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
Sacramento City Unified School District | 916-433-5187 | 7222 24th St | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
Sacramento City Unified School District | 916-433-5358 | 2500 52nd Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
Sacramento City Unified School District | 916-433-5042 | 2147 54th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
Sacramento City Unified School District | 916-433-5544 | 1901 60th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
Sacramento City Unified School District | 916-433-5047 | 1730 65th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
Sacramento City Unified School District | 916-433-5400 | 2250 68th Ave | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
Sacramento City Unified School District | 916-433-5051 | 7525 Candlewood Way | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
Sacramento City Unified School District | 916-264-4350 | 5301 Elmer Way | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
St Robert School | 916-452-2111 | 2251 Irvin Way | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
Waldorf School Camellia | 916-427-5022 | 5701 Freeport Blvd | Sacramento | CA | 95822 |
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