Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Colton, CA 92324
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Colton CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A B C Hispanic Baptish Church | 909-824-5882 | 106 E L St | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Apostolic Church | 909-824-7737 | 147 E L St | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Christ Apostolic Church | 909-825-2240 | 898 Via Lata | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Church of Christ | 909-825-8111 | 501 E C St | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Church of Christ Apostolic Faith | 909-783-0206 | 1455 Rialto Ave | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 909-824-0486 | 791 N Pepper Ave | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Colton Christian Church | 909-825-0515 | 905 E Olive St | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Colton Community Church | 909-825-0381 | 1301 N Rancho Ave | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Colton First Baptist Church | 909-825-3670 | 170 W F St | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Community Temple | 909-370-2055 | 850 Via Lata | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Door Christian Fellowship | 909-825-7360 | 338 N La Cadena Dr | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Estep Howard C Rev | 909-825-2767 | 1099 N Pepper Ave | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Family of God Church | 909-825-2520 | 190 W H St | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Foursquare Church of Colton | 909-825-5805 | 540 E H St | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Frist Presbyterian Church | 909-825-2600 | 710 W C St | Colton | CA | 92324 |
God's Servants Ministries | 909-825-3845 | 1446 N La Cadena Dr | Colton | CA | 92324 |
J Z's Party Charm | 909-426-0099 | 2097 E Washington St Ste 1B | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Olive Street Baptist Church Christia | 909-825-2776 | 1045 W Olive St | Colton | CA | 92324 |
St John's Lutheran Church Missouri | 909-825-2395 | 820 N La Cadena Dr | Colton | CA | 92324 |
St Josephs & Immaculate Heart Church | 909-824-0323 | 1090 W Laurel St | Colton | CA | 92324 |
United Methodist of Colton | 909-825-4572 | 625 W Laurel St | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Vineyard Christian Fellowship | 909-824-5753 | 785 Colton Ave | Colton | CA | 92324 |
Walk With Jesus Cathedral | 909-825-2258 | 820 Healing Waters Dr | Colton | CA | 92324 |
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