Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fontana, CA 92335
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fontana CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Christian Academy | 909-350-1101 | 17777 Merrill Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Andrea's Party Supply | 909-823-7515 | 9880 Sierra Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 909-822-9444 | 9444 Mango Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Calvary Chapel Fontana Pilgrims Progre | 909-854-1760 | 8624 Wheeler Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Calvery Chapel Hispano | 909-357-8773 | 15998 Merrill Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Centro Vida Nueva | 909-350-1366 | 9383 Evergreen Ln | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Church of Christ | 909-822-1012 | 9132 Sierra Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Divine Life Christian Fellowship | 909-356-9890 | 8405 Maple Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Empire Graphics & Printing | 909-356-0205 | 9358 Sierra Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
First Baptist Church of Fontana | 909-350-4236 | 17244 Randall Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
First Lutheran Christian Schoo | 909-823-3457 | 9315 Citrus Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
First Presbyterian Church of Fonta | 909-822-6779 | 9260 Mango Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
First United Methodist Church of Fonta | 909-822-4105 | 9116 Sierra Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Fontana Christian Center | 909-355-4587 | 14796 Arrow Blvd | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church | 909-822-7212 | 17220 Merrill Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Good Samaritan Ame Zion Church | 909-355-2336 | 8587 Palmetto Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Holy Ghost Temple | 909-854-6302 | 8575 Sierra Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Ingold Funeral Chapel | 909-822-8083 | 8277 Juniper Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
M B B Party Supplies & Rentals | 909-428-9959 | 16139 Foothill Blvd | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Mountain View Community Church | 909-357-9377 | 8833 Palmetto Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
New Vision Christian Methodist Espis | 909-823-0424 | 8368 Beech Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Peace in the Valley Academy | 909-355-9362 | 17487 Arrow Blvd | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Potters House | 909-350-1972 | 8282 Juniper Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Primera Iglesia Bautista | 909-350-1315 | 8546 Rosena Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Princples of Faith Christian Cente | 909-829-2055 | 17947 Merrill Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
Rock Christian Church The | 909-829-6315 | 14622 Foothill Blvd | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
The Carpenter's House | 909-355-3168 | 13489 Arrow Blvd | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
West Side Baptist Church | 909-823-4151 | 15006 Randall Ave | Fontana | CA | 92335 |
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