Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fontana, CA 92336
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fontana CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A M E Churc | 909-356-4221 | 16262 Baseline Ave | Fontana | CA | 92336 |
Church of Christ | 909-822-1013 | 7186 Cypress Ave | Fontana | CA | 92336 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 909-355-1006 | 7526 Alder Ave | Fontana | CA | 92336 |
Clergy Referral Service The | 909-355-1550 | 15558 Sharon Ct | Fontana | CA | 92336 |
Community Baptist Church | 909-350-9646 | 15854 Carter Ave | Fontana | CA | 92336 |
Cornerstone Baptist Church | 909-829-1105 | 7716 Sierra Ave | Fontana | CA | 92336 |
Crossroads Community Church | 909-823-0216 | 15573 Southwind Ave | Fontana | CA | 92336 |
First Faith | 909-822-4767 | 16850 San Jacinto Ave | Fontana | CA | 92336 |
Friendship Community Church | 909-854-0558 | 14800 Baseline Ave | Fontana | CA | 92336 |
Loveland Academy | 909-829-2032 | 16888 Baseline Ave | Fontana | CA | 92336 |
Loveland Baptist Church Administration | 909-350-7190 | 16848 Baseline Ave | Fontana | CA | 92336 |
Mars Hill Mission | 909-822-5206 | 6154 Catawba Ave | Fontana | CA | 92336 |
Sierra Lakes Golf Club | 909-350-2500 | 16600 Clubhouse Dr | Fontana | CA | 92336 |
Victorious Baptist Fellowship Chur | 909-854-6899 | 7875 Tamarind Ave | Fontana | CA | 92336 |
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